
We recommend that you read AutoDist’s Rationale before reading this doc. This document broadly describes the architecture of AutoDist and also goes into some details about the implementation of various features.


AutoDist was designed with two goals in mind:

  1. Have a flexible backend capable of distributing graphs according to an arbitrary Strategy

  2. Have an incredibly easy to use interface

This means that the code is broadly separated into two parts: Strategy Generation and Graph Transformation.

General Workflow

Architecture Diagram

The general workflow of AutoDist is described in the image. Users provide a TensorFlow Graph (tf.Graph) and a resource specification (ResourceSpec). From this, a StrategyBuilder analyzes both the tf.Graph and the ResourceSpec and generates a Strategy, a Protobuf representation of how to distribute the graph.

This Strategy is then passed to the GraphTransformer, the “backend” of AutoDist that is responsible for distributing the user’s graph according to the given strategy. This GraphTransformer will alter the original tf.Graph on a per-variable basis, adding the necessary TensorFlow operations (ops) as defined in the Strategy.

After the transformed graph has been built, it is sent back to TensorFlow for execution.

Some things to note:

  • Currently, the strategy generation happens on one node. This strategy is then sent out to every node, and graph transformation happens on every node (it is much easier to send a small strategy file over the network than it is to send an entire transformed graph).

  • When given multiple nodes with multiple devices (e.g. GPUs) each, we do in-graph replication within each worker and between-graph between workers. That means that each worker will have one tf.Graph that contains the replicated graph for each GPU on that worker, but will not contain graphs for devices outside that worker.

  • Currently, AutoDist only supports data-parallel distribution; that is, distribution along the batch dimension. There are plans to support model parallelism by providing the ability to partition ops, but that has not been implemented yet.


Each StrategyBuilder describes a method for synchronizing each trainable variable in the graph. There are a few different StrategyBuilders listed here, with each doing different things. For more details, you could refer to “Choose Strategy Builders” or “Customize Strategy Builders”

Essentially, Strategy Builders are just choosing a sample from the strategy space defined by the Strategy protobuf. Theoretically, every possible strategy representable in a Strategy object should be able to be distributed, with just a few limitations: we currently cannot partition variables that are part of a control flow, and all-reduce does not work if there is only one machine with one GPU.


The GraphTransformer currently has 3 phases:

  1. Variable Partitioning,

  2. Op Replication,

  3. and Synchronization

The Partitioner shards each variable (according to the Strategy) along the first dimension into equisized partitions. The Replicator does in-graph replication of the graph, duplicating it according to the number of devices in that worker (e.g., a worker with 2 GPUs will have two identical subgraphs, AutoDist-Replica-1/... and AutoDist-Replica-2/...). Lastly, the synchronizers handle adding the ops for both in-graph and between-graph synchronization, again, according to the strategy.

For more information, please refer to Graph Transformation Kernels


The networking side of this is generally handled by the Cluster and Coordinator objects. They are responsible for setting up SSH connections from the chief to each worker, copying any necessary files, and starting a tf.Server on each worker so they are ready to run the distributed graph.